

截至1月. 2012年3月,美国.S. 教育部’s FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which student education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records–including Social Security number, 成绩, or other private information–may be accessed without student consent. 首先,美国.S. 美国总审计长.S. 司法部长,美国.S. 教育部长, or state and local education authorities (“Federal and State Authorities”) may allow access to records and PII without student consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is “principally engaged in the provision of education,,比如早期儿童教育和职业培训, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. 第二个, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to education records and PII without student consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when Authorities object to or do not request such research. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities. 除了, 与全州纵向数据系统有关, 国家当局可以收取, 编译, 永久保留, 在未经学生同意的情况下分享教育记录中的个人信息, and they may track participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information obtained from other Federal or State data sources, 包括劳动力发展, 失业保险, 儿童福利, 少年司法, 服兵役, 以及移民学生档案系统.


